Light Sources Hybrid Light Sources


     ASBN-D(X)-W series,  deuterium and tungsten-halogen hybrid light source consists of one or two 30W deep UV deuterium lamp(s) and a high power tungsten-halogen lamp. The specially designed "see-through" deuterium lamps can allow the light from a secondary source to pass through the same light path as the deuterium lamp. SP uses a proper focusing/collimating doublet lens sets to obtain maximum optical power of the secondary light sources through the small "see-through" hole. Generally, the optical power of deuterium is much lower than that of tungsten-halogen. In some special applications that need high power UV light, the dual deterium version will be more recommended.


  • Features

  • Wide-range from Deep UV to IR
  • Provide maximum possible illumination
  • Contains 1" Quartz doublet assembly for optimum coupling
  • Easy coupling to optical fibers and/or SP's monochromators
  • Assures maximum stability and lifetime of lamps
  • Robust mode of operation

  • Products
Models Description
ASBN-D(X) -W(YYYV-Z) Wavelength range: 190nm - 2,200nm,
Tungsten-halogen light is focused at the center hole of the deuterium lamp using a focusing assembly (1" UV protected Al mirror and two 1" UV grade fused silica lenses).
X: Total Number of Deep UV 30W Deuterium lamps, 1/2 if X=2, 2 UV grade fused silica lenses and the mount will be added.
YYY: Power of Tungsten-Halogen lamp 050/075/100/150(50W ~ 150W)
V: F - Fiber coupling, M - Monochromator f# matching
Z: High/Low/Medium Color Temperature of Tungsten-Halogen lamp
ASBN-D1-W(XXX-Y) One 30W Deuterium lamp and Tungsten-Halogen light source assembly.
- Needed to add the price of selected tungsten-halogen bulb (ASBN-WB series).
- Recommended to use focusing lens set (ASBN-DW-FL) to enhance the output power.

Standard Items for ASBN-D(X)-W(YYYV-X)

Models Description



One 30W Deuterium lamp and 50W Tungsten-Halogen (3000K, 2000hrs, 900lumens) Light Source



One 30W Deuterium lamp and 100W Tungsten-Halogen (Medium Color Temp. 3100K, 300hrs, 2900lumens) Light Source



One 30W Deuterium lamp and 150W Tungsten-Halogen (High Color Temp. 3450K, 50hrs, 6000lumens) Light Source


*Strongly recommended to use ASBN-W-PV for the short life time


One 30W Deuterium lamp and 150W Tungsten-Halogen (Low Color Temp. 3400K, 300hrs, 5000lumens) Light Source


*Strongly recommended to use ASBN-W-PV for the short life time

Options and Parts

Models Description
ASBN-W-PV Tungsten-halogen light source power adjustable option w/voltage indicating LCD window